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Everything you need to know about our platform. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our team.

How do I open an account?

Our account registration process is as easy as clicking a 'Get Started' button anywhere on our website. They will all take you to the account registration page, or your dashboard if you have already logged in.

How do I make a deposit?

Once logged into your account, you will find a 'deposit' panel as an option in the sidebar of your dashboard. This will enable you deposit really quickly.

What trading options are available?

We offer a wide vareity of options spanning accross forex, including stocks and cryptocurrencies. We also offer practice accounts to demo your trades before taking on serious trades with a live one.

What is copy trading?

Copy trading is most useful for those that do not wish to trade on their own or with an account manager. With copy trading, you can select from a list of specially selected traders and directly copy every trade they place.

How does staking work?

Staking your crypto allows you to tap into the power of the blockchain decentralization and make profits. Your crypto is placed in a pool of traders and you earn on daily basis in the pool.

How do I create a demo account?

Demo accounts (called Practice accounts in your dashboard) are available to you by default. We automatically create them for you and funding them is as simple as tapping a button. That's what it actually is!

Start your trading journey now

It’s easy to get started. Sign up today to start trading with us.